It is Miami, year 3050, a city of shadows and submerged dreams. Once a vibrant metropolis bathed in the glow of the sun, now shrouded by darkness, the consequences of the scorching heat and technological domination that took over the world. During the day, temperatures can reach 200 degrees above the water, so people have to come up with alternatives to stay alive. The solution was building a city below the water. The streets once filled with the lively rhythms of salsa and the laughter of beachgoers, are now taken over by AI. Nothing is real, it is all virtual. The once genuine human experience has been eradicated, and reality has been wrapped in artificial intelligence. In this world, interactions are made by hyper intelligent computing systems that create the illusion of being connected. Social exchange is a calculated rhythm that AI designs upon algorithms. The essence of personal connection is replaced by machines. The city taken over by technology and under water because of the relentless rise in temperature has forced the inhabitants of Miami to retreat into the depths of the ocean into underwater bubbles called Aquaspheres.
During the night is the only time people can navigate above the water because of the heat. The Aquashperes, serve as the last source for humanity to reclaim a connection with the surface and the sun. Skyscrapers now submerged beneath the waves, their windows dimly glowing in the dark waters. Bioluminescent sea creatures light up underwater. Neon colored fish dance and create an ethereal ballet of lights. People drive sleek underwater vehicles, their paths illuminated by the soft glow of holographic displays. The survivors adapted to their new environment, using advanced technology to create a semblance of the life they once knew. Bioengineered coral reefs serve as both protective barriers and sources of sustenance, filtering the water and providing nourishment. Massive hydroponic farms float on the surface, harnessing the power of the sun to grow food in a controlled environment. At the heart of this submerged city is a massive dome that shields the inhabitants from the oppressive heat above. Inside, a network of tunnels and chambers connect the various districts of the city. The smart dome regulates temperatures, oxygen levels, and even simulates the sensation of sunlight for the citizens. Despite the advanced technology that allowed them to survive, the people of Miami in 3050 felt a yearning for the warmth of the sun and the touch of a breeze. In the darkest corners of the city, there was Sol.
Scene opens:
Sol reaches for her “NueraSync”, a sleek purple majestic futuristic helmet and a midi-controller that reads her thoughts. The helmet is a masterpiece of neural interface design that makes the connection between the user’s consciousness and the digital realms, reading thoughts and making predictions based on algorithms. With the NeuraSync engaged, Sol’s thoughts become commands, unlocking a virtual realm where she can navigate the past, confront the warnings of the future, and shape her destiny in augmented reality.
A restless Sol, felt an undeniable yearning for something more profound. She felt lost and detached from the world around her. She could not connect to her heart. She wants to listen to her thoughts but there is too much artificial noise. The Aquashpere, despite its beauty and innovation, feels fake and plastic. The shimmering bubbles make her feel detached from who she really is. She stood in the slightly dimmed chamber, her eyes drawn to the flickering projector in the back that reads her thoughts. Haunting images unfold on the screen, a dystopian prophecy painted in pixels. The screen delivers a stark warning for people. The heat is swallowing the world, technology winning over nature, artificial intelligence is taking over, and the once vibrant landscapes are replaced by machines. The projections whisper of a world where reality is blurred into the artificial, a cautionary tale of a future careening toward a chilling, mechanized unreality. The audience is warned of what can come if we don’t take care of our world. The future looks dim and dark, if we don’t make a change.
Tutto Finto
Sol Ruiz • Lyrics
Fernando Perdomo • Guitar
Anyway …
Da qualche modo
Anyway …
Da qualche modo
E …
It’s …
Una cosa ironica
Its something ironic,
Che io dicco Miami
that I say Miami
Che io conosco
The Miami that I know
E tutto finto
Everything is fake
Che io conosco
What I know
Che io dicco
When I say
E tutto finto
Is fake
E fuori del la naturaleza
There is no nature
Con la tecnología
With technology
E … non mi piace
I don’t like it
The connection to her heartbeat was lost, drowned out by the artificial sounds of the Aquaspheres. It echoed a silent plea for authenticity, a longing for a more genuine existence. Sol yearns to feel the pulse of life not through the filtered rhythms of technology but through the raw, unfiltered beats of her own heart.
Images flash in her head, projections on the screen of family records tucked away in a corner of her mind. Yellowed photographs, handwritten letters, and artifacts from a time before the world submerged. The screen projects images of her family portraits of Cuba and Miami in the years of 2000, the way it used to be. Images are shown of the history of Miami, buildings that have been demolished, Artdeco history and the Native Americans. She went down a rabbit hole of memories. She traced the lines of her family history, discovering tales of resilience, struggle, and the vibrant culture of a land long lost to the ocean’s depths.
It was a revelation that stirred a dormant ember within her, the spark of connection to something greater than the synthetic utopia that surrounded her. It was a portal to a forgotten era, a link to her roots buried beneath the waves. She hears her ancestor’s call and follows them through a portal. The underwater portals are like wormholes, that take you to other times, and places. She would trade all the technology in the world just to go out in nature for one day. Miami 3050 fades, quickly as she ventures into the uncharted waters of the old world.
Sol, driven by the call of her ancestral heritage, goes through a wormhole portal and begins her journey.
Mis Ancestros
Siento mis ancestros me están
I feel my ancestors
Calling me
Una voz por dentro
A voice that
que dice que me tengo que ir
tells me that I must leave
A buscar mi rais
And find my roots
No soy de aquí no pertenezco
I’m not from here, I don’t pertain to
el tiempo
this time
Cierro los ojos y oigo mis
Closing my eyes, I hear my
Móntate en tu cohete
Get on your spaceship and
Y vete a buscar tu rais
look for your roots
Lejos de aqui
Far from here
Lejos de aqui
Far from here
Alli vas a estar feliz
There you will be happy
Sol was searching for a way to connect to her roots, she wanted to hear her heartbeat. She was looking for a deeper existence. Guided by ancient maps and stories passed down through her family records, she navigated the dark currents and overcame the challenges. She rode in an underwater vessel, called a Hydro-Cohete, Through the portal she ended up in a North African setting. Sol got to a world unlike anything she had ever imagined. A landscape from ancient Egyptian times, and even before that.
Here, Sol meets Charly Poe, The Octoman. Through his rhythm, Sol embarks on a journey of self-discovery, tuning into the heartbeat she had long forgotten. Charly, once unearthed as a fossil in a now-deserted ocean, was an octopus in his previous life. Having witnessed the transformation of the land, he now plays percussion to communicate with their ancestors in Africa and unite the heartbeats of people on Earth. Created in a laboratory, Charly devotes himself to musical experimentation, utilizing his beats to synchronize the universal heartbeat, connecting all life as one. With his octopus-like dexterity and remarkable intelligence, Charly aids Sol in aligning with the rhythms of her own heart, unraveling the world’s deception. It becomes clear to Sol that true understanding lies in disconnecting from the invasive influence of technology, rediscovering herself, and unlocking the power within.
Sol Ruiz • Lyrics, melody, music, production
Comunicado con mi gente
Communicating with my people
Y me monto en mi cohete
I jump in my spaceship
No tiene GPS
It has no GPS
No confíes, no estrese
It has no boundary, no stress
Esto e, esto e, esto e genetico
This is, this is, genetic
Esto e, esto e, esto e genetico
This is, this is, genetic
Me conecto a mis ancestor
I connect to my ancestors
Me lleva otro universo
It takes me to another universe
Por un portal por un wormhole
Through a portal, through a wormhole
Esto e, esto e, esto e genetico
This is, this is genetic
Esto e, esto e, esto e genetico
This is, this is genetic
Y me monto en mi cohete
I jump into my spaceship
Me voy lejos
I go far
Me transformo y no regreso
I transform and don’t return
Y me monto en mi cohete
I jump into my spaceship
Busco mar y sol
Searching for sea and sun
Como el rio
Like the river
Busco mar y sol
I search for sea and sun
Esto e, esto e, nunca vuelvo
This is, this is genetic
Esto e, esto e, nunca vuelvo
This is, this is genetic
Y como puedo ser positiva
How can I be positive
Si todo lo que me rodea es
When everything around me is
Con toda esta tecnologia
With all this technology
Nada natural todo AI
Nothing natural Everything AI
Ni el aire que se respira
Not even the air we breathe
Quiero comer carne de verdad
I want to eat real meat
perderme en el pantano
Get lost in the swamp
con mi amigo tigre y cocodrilo
with my friends Crocodiles And tigers
Ya no tengo privacidad
already don’t got privacy
Ya me tiene calcula
Already they calculating me
Ya tengo mis brothers menos mal
Stop, I have my bothers, at least
que de esta muela me tiene que sacar
From these lies I need an escape
Y me monto en mi cohete
I go into my spaceship
Busco mar y sol
Searching sea and sun
Lo que necesito el mar y sol
What I need is sea sun
Y me monto en mi cohete
I go into my spaceship
Me voy lejos
I’m going far
Oye como el río
Like the river
nunca vuelvo
Never return
I will never return
Through a wormhole
Through a portal
Never return
Sol continues her journey through the cosmic portal with her Hydro Cohete , swirling through the wormhole she is transported from the heart of Africa to the heart of a picturesque Cuban Jungle. In these untouched corners of Cuba where technology never arrived, time seems to have reversed, creating a magical retreat surrounded by mountains in a valley with a swamp. The scene is a lively celebration, with pigs and chickens adding to the picturesque setting. Once lost in the frigid artificiality of the Aquaspheres, she now finds herself grounded in the authentic cadence of her own heartbeat, signaling the commencement of her quest for a meaningful existence. In this jungle, Sol begins to unearth her roots. Walking through the jungle, Sol encounters Rey Sugar nestled in his bohio, a rustic hut. Wearing crocodile boots and vibrant colors, green, purple, and gold, echoing the hues of Sant Lazaro. Rey is the epitome of a true countryman, with his laid-back Santiaguero swagger, he strums his guitar and crafts Guarapo, sugarcane juice. He is dressed with sugar cane sticks, and a sack of tobacco by his side. Rey personifies Cuban roots.
Observing from a distance, Sol sees Rey Sugar, a character already endowed with a unique superpower. His musical notes and positive energy sweeten the atmosphere. As he takes center stage, positive vibration nymphs begin to dance around him with a mystical cup and a cowbell. As he plays, his notes sweeten the atmosphere creating a trance. His melodies put everyone in a trance that breaks out into a joyous dance lasting for days and nights.
As the jamming persists, the scene shifts to a dreamlike state where guarapo has taken effect. The participants drink deeply, and the dream evolves into a philosophical exploration of reality. The audience is led into a contemplative space where the line between what is real and imagined becomes blurred. The dream unfurls as a tapestry of perspectives, challenging the boundaries of perception and questioning the nature of reality. Each viewpoint casts a different light, creating a narrative that invites reflection on the elusive nature of truth and the diverse roles we play in the grand spectacle of existence.
The scene is reminiscent of the creation story, “Dandole campana hasta la manana” is sung for seven transformative days. The first day sees the transition from the dark of night to the emergence of light. The second day brings a surreal occurrence as guarapo rains from the clouds, turning the river into molasses. On the third day, an abundance of sugar cane stalks grows as high as the sky. On the fourth day, Rey’s musical power sends white granulated sugar into the heavens, transforming them into twinkling stars. Birds, fish, and all creatures partake in the sweet festivities on the fifth and sixth days. The week-long party sets a mesmerizing tone and the jam session continues on.
Sol Ruiz • Lyrics, melody, music, production
Rey Rodriguez • Lyrics, melody
Manuel Diaz • Lyrics, melody
En caballo de Santiago
On horseback from Santiago
Un cowboy del pantano
A swamp cowboy
Con machete afilao
With a sharp machete
Raspadura Mr. Melao
Sugar scraps, Mr. Melao
Alli viene ese guajiro
There comes that country man
con su swag
with his swag
Raspadura en su saco
Sugar scraps in his satchel
ron y tabaco
rum and tobacco
Alli viene ese guajiro
There comes that country man
con su swag
with his swag
Endulzando el bohío Tocando
Sweetening the hut, playing
en el trio
in the trio
Pa ti traigo guarapo mama no
For you, I bring sugar cane
te me ponga sala
juice, honey, don’t be bitter
Pa ti traigo guarapo mama no
For you, I bring sugar cane
te me ponga sala
juice, honey, don’t be bitter
Cuando estoy en mi guateque
When I’m in my jam
No me formes brete
Don’t bring me no fussin’
No te me pongas sala
don’t be bitter
Cuando estoy en mi bohio
When I’m in my jam
Yo no quiero lio
don’t want no fussin’
No te me pongas sala
don’t be bitter
Monta mi caballo
Ride my horse
Este mi cohete
This is my rocket
Girls gone wild, así como
Girls gone wild, just how I
quiero verte
want to see you
Polo Montanez con Clint Eastwood
Polo Montanez with Clint Eastwood
Everytime I see you, baby i feel good
Everytime I see you, baby i feel good
Tengo azuquita
I have sugar
Para ti mamita
For you mama
Lo que necesita
I got what you need
Cuando estoy en mi guateque
When I’m in my jam
No me formes brete
Don’t bring me no fussin’
No te me pongas sala
don’t be bitter
Cuando estoy en mi bohio
When I’m in my jam
No me formes brete
Don’t bring me no fussin’
No te me pongas sala
don’t be bitter
Cuando estoy en mi bohio
When I’m in my jam
Por el center field
Through the center field
Take me
Llevame a Tu bohio
Take me to your hut
Dandole Campana Hasta La Mañana
Hitting the cowbell, till the morning
Rey Sugar inspires Sol to delve deeper into the realm of self-discovery, encouraging her to unearth her inherent strengths by embracing her roots and making a connection with the land. He emphasizes the importance of confronting inner struggles related to insecurity and heartbreak. Leaving Sol to contemplate on her own, she sets forth on a personal journey, guided by the rhythmic cadence of her own heartbeat. In solitude, she confronts her internal conflicts, engaging in a process of purging self-doubt and feeling the weight of her misfortune, symbolized by crossed machetes, a sign of bad luck. Sol feels cursed and trapped in a cycle of inner pain that she perceives as a relentless battle similar to the historical conflicts between conquistadors and native Americans. The struggle unfolds within, as she wrestles with profound emotions and battles against the shadows of self-inflicted pain and depression.
As she stands alone, with her pain, she perceives her inner turmoil as a profound clash reminiscent of the historical injustices endured by native populations. The weight of Sol’s emotional battles becomes a metaphorical landscape where the conquistadors symbolize her inner demons, imposing transformation on the vulnerable native Americans. The conquistadors, driven by conquest and a desire for dominance, mirror the overwhelming forces of self-doubt, heartbreak, and insecurity that seem to conquer Sol’s emotional landscape.
The music becomes a metaphorical reflection symbolizing the struggle of this historical conflict. A waltz between the conquistadors and her wild and native essence. The pain she experiences feels like an invasion, a forced attempt to reshape her identity. There are battle cries representative of her emotional turmoil. As Sol delves deeper into this metaphorical landscape, she confronts the echoes of the battles within herself. The conquistador within her, fueled by self-doubt and heartbreak, battling the native essence of her being. This introspective journey becomes a profound exploration of identity, resilience, and the quest for inner peace amid the tumultuous echoes of history and personal pain.
Machete Cruzado
Sol Ruiz • Lyrics, melody, music, production
Machete cruzado
Crossed machete
Flecha con veneno
Arrows with poison
Disparo de AK en el cuerpo
AK shooting through my body
Tengo una espina atravesada
I have a splinter stuck
en mi corazón
in my heart
Desde que te vi
Since I saw you
Desde que te fuiste
Since you left
Tengo un dolor en el pecho
I have a pain in my chest
Transformaste mis dia felices
You transformed my happy days
Tengo un dolor en el pecho
I have a pain in my chest
Envolviste la noche triste
You turning my nights to sorrow
Supported by her superhero friends, Sol receives encouragement to stand up and confront her negative thoughts. She comes to a realization that continually dwelling on self-doubt is holding her back. She recognizes the need to break free from this negative mindset. As she rises to the challenge of her internal struggles, her friends believe her abilities become the driving force and a vital support system, aiding Sol in her journey to overcome her struggles. Their strength reinforces the idea that she possesses the power within to change. Through their support, Sol begins to believe in her own capabilities and understands that she can stand up against the force of her negative thoughts.
In her journey, she encounters Alegua, a figure like Elegua, symbolizing the cyclical nature of life, the beginning and end. He also signifies the opening and closing of paths. He shows her the way to a new path in life. Alegua, uses his muse, the trumpet,to harnesses strength. The resonating frequencies of the trumpet absorb the sun’s energy, recharging Sol energetically. The empowering sound restores her inner strength, urging her to believe in herself. As a symbol of fresh starts and new beginnings, the sun begins to rise, casting its light on Sol’s path. The emergence of light signifies not only the overcoming of internal struggles but also the dawning of a new chapter in her life. A chapter defined by belief, strength, and the support of friends.
Sol Ruiz • Lyrics, melody, music, production
Julio Cesar Gonazlez • Music
Fernando Perdomo • Guitar
Alejandro Sierra • Trumpet
Muevete, Muevete (MOVE! MOVE!)
You can’t give up, You wont give up
There be times when
the going gets tough
In that moment you
gotta step your game up
Tu tienes la candela
You have the fire
En tu pecho tu lo lleva
You hold it in your heart
La sangre de una guerra
The blood of a warrior
El coraje de una fiera
The courage of a beast
La fuerza de un gladiador
The strength of a gladiator
Rip the head off all these haters
Rip the head off the haters
Solo tienes que believe! believe!
Only you have to believe! believe!
dale dale sigue no pare
Go go don’t top , get it
Coje tu machete como chango
Grab your machete like Chango
Muevete, Muevete (MOVE! MOVE!)
You can’t give up, You wont give up
There be times when
the going gets tough
In that moment you
gotta step your game up
dale dale sigue no pare
Go go don’t top, get it
Coje tu machete como chango
Grab your machete like Chango
La Fuerza Del Sol
Sol Ruiz • Music, production
Alejandro Sierra • Lyrics, melody
Fernando Perdomo • Guitar
Alejandro Sierra • Trumpet
Con la fuerza del sol
With the strength of the sun
Con los rayos de luz, la ilusión
With the rays of light and the illusion
Se abren mis ojos al despertar
Open your eyes, wake up
Bien profundo
Very deeply
Siento siempre
Feel it
Bien adentro
deep inside
De mi corazon
my heart
La mañana es como los amigos
The morning comes like friends
Están todos unidos en la vida
They are united in life
Dale palante asi, con confianza
Go forward, with confidence
Que este tu dia
this is your day
Vive tu momento
Live you life
Con el poder llevas dentro
With the power you have inside
Con la fuerza de tu alma
with strength of your soul
La fuerza en el universo
And the strength of the universe
The characters find themselves at the heart of the sun, surrounded by the ocean. In this setting, Sol discovers her inner strength. Energized by the sun’s intense heat, molecules transform into thunder, resonating across the land.
Sol harnesses this newfound energy to transform the very atmosphere around her. Using the power of light and energy, Sol becomes a force of transformation, expressing qualities of female virility, passion, and strength. She transforms and the characters name her Santa Barbara. The radiant aura she emits echoes throughout the universe, and the characters, recognizing this transformative essence, give her the name Santa Barbara, as a symbolic representation of her newfound identity and the transformative journey she has undertaken. The machete, a powerful symbol embedded in her mind, embodies the essence of Chango. Chango, a deity associated with strength, courage, and lightning in Afro-Caribbean religions. She harnesses the symbolic machete within her mind. Cutting through the jungles of negative thoughts and energy and restoring light to the world, marking a triumphant return from darkness. This metamorphosis signifies not only the renewal of the world but also the reclamation of Sol’s identity and purpose within the cosmic tapestry.
In this pivotal moment of revelation, Sol discovers her extraordinary superpower. Drawing upon the radiant energy at the heart of the sun, she becomes a luminescent force, infusing light and vitality into the atmosphere. She transforms and finds her super power.
As Sol embraces her superhero identity, the narrative takes on a vibrant and dynamic quality. Her presence becomes a symbol of hope and empowerment, a celestial force that defies the darkness and ushers in a dazzling era of transformation. The cosmos, once shrouded in uncertainty and a dark future are now emerging into a new era of light as her super power harnesses the very essence of the sun to illuminate the universe.
La Barbara
Sol Ruiz • Lyrics, melody, music, production
yamaselovi chango
Your name is Chango
yamaselovi chango
Your name is Chango
Oboaraye onicuele
Your power reaches the heavens
Oboaraye onicuele
Your power reaches the heavens
Que viva Chango!
Long Live Chango!
Sol stands up, she finds the power within. She puts on an object to signify that she has become a superhero. The sun shines bright and thunder rumbles. She realizes she can’t look back, she must move forward! Positive vibrations take over the land.
Sol Ruiz • Lyrics, melody, music, production
Rey Rodriguez • Lyrics, melody, Guita
Yo tengo lo mio
I got mine
Eso no es casualidad
That is no coincidence
Hablan los que quieran
Say what you’d like
pero soy La Barbara
but I’m the beast
Si me tumban y me caigo
If they knock me down and I fall
me vuelvo levantar
I will get up again
Pa’ la guerra con mi machete
To the battle with my machete
Pa’ la batalla estoy prepara
I am prepared
No hay quien me defina
There is no one who defines me
no tengo barrera
I have no barrier
La gente dicen de mi
People say
que tu eres bandolera!
She is a bandit!
A mi no hay quien me aguante
There is no one who can hold me down
no hay quien detenga
there is no one to who can stop me
Me monto en mi cohete
I jump in my rocket
Y tiebla la tierra
And the earth trembles
Yo sigo Palante
I continue forward
No miro Pa’ tras
I don’t look back
No me venga a comparar
Don’t compare me
que yo no soy qual quiera
I am not like anyone else
No me venga a comprar
Don’t try to buy me
Con la billetera
With your wallet
El sol de la manana
The morning sun
alumbra mi camino
Will light my way
soy una luchadora
I’m a fighter
Porque es Mi destino
Because this is my destiny
Yo sigo Palante
I continue forward
No miro Pa’ tras
I don’t look back
Tu que creía que yo perdiera
You believed that I would lose
Tu que creía que yo perdiera
You believed that I would lose
Gane, gane, gane, fuera que
I won, I won, I won, get out cause
I won
Que No me vengas con cuento
Don’t come here with your
mi socio
stories partner
Que No me vengas con cuento
Don’t come here with your
mi socio
stories partner
Gathered in unity in the Milky Way, all the superheroes come together, discovering an unexpected connection from their roots weaving into the tapestry of the future. Their roots are the common thread that binds them together. Each superhero adorns a glowing harmony crystal, A crystalline artifact infused with the essence of harmony. Each superhero contributes a unique element to the crystal, it activates a unified power that transcends their individual capabilities.
The heroes stand united, ready to confront the negative vibrations plaguing the world. Together, their combined strength becomes a formidable force, capable of combating the darkness that threatens to overshadow the universe. Their music, a melodic orb of prosperity, becomes a transformative force that combats the looming shadows of evil. It is a powerful energy that creates hope and resilience. As the heroes harmonize, their unique abilities, their music resonates as a powerful orb, radiating positivity. The symphony they create not only defends against destruction of the world but also becomes a beacon of hope, illuminating the cosmos. In this cosmic alliance, the superheroes forge a bond that transcends time and space. Through their unity, they become the cosmic guardians, working in harmony to protect the universe from the encroaching forces of darkness. The elaborate dance of interconnected destinies unfolds against the vast backdrop of the Milky Way, a testament to the extraordinary power that lies in their unity, shared purpose, and the transcendent resonance of their harmonious music.
Positive Vibration Nation
Sol Ruiz • Lyrics, melody, music, production
Manuel Diaz • Melody
Rey Rodriguez • Guitar
Con la Tribu ‘tamos unidos
With the tribe we are united
in a Positive Vibration Nation
in a Positive Vibration Nation
Somos Tribu
We are a tribe
Tamos unidos
We are united
For the people
For the people
Con el corazón palante
Leading with our heart
we go they need us
we go they need us
Desde que sol nos levante
Since the sun rises us
we are superheroes
we are superheroes
This is my team
Making the moves
Living the dream
Cruisin por el Milkyway
Cruisin down the Milky Way
Take it easy que Nos vamos
Take it easy we are going
a otro nivel
to another level
Con la Tribu ‘tamos unidos
With the tribe we are united
in a Positive Vibration Nation
in a Positive Vibration Nation
They embark on a shared spiritual journey, ascending to a heightened level of consciousness collectively. United in purpose, they undertake a mission to radiate their inner light, spreading enlightenment and positivity to the universe.
Sol Ruiz • Lyrics, melody, music, production
Rey Rodriguez • Guitar
Michel Ferrer • Piano
Alejandro Sierra • Trumpet
I’m getting higher, Everyday
Higher than an eagle
I’m letting go of my ego
Higher with my people
We’re getting higher!
Higher, Higher, Higher, Higher
Yea! were getting higher
Stepping onto the next level
Looking at life with glass half full
Rosie colored glasses
The world is fantastic
The try to kick me down
But I keep my head high
Now I’m so high that
I’m touching the sky
Music’s all I got you see
we are on a mission
Every we get up,
grateful for our blessings
Right now, estamos aquí,
on the sunny side
This is my life
And I’m gonna live it how I like
Positive vibes all bullies aside
Don’t fuss with me
cuz my chakras aligned
There’s no coincidence
My dreams are a reality
I do believe one day the world
will live in harmony
Each day were one step
closer to achieve
A higher ground
Now I can’t stop, I dare you test me
Hard like a rock , Mind like a hindi
strong like ox, Magic houdini
Got so my wishes I look like a genie
Moving fast, A Lamborghini
top of chain, fishies can’t eat me
Top of the game, Cream of the crop
Don’t hold me back, this is on lock
Higher Higher Higher Higher
Yea were getting higher
Stepping onto the next level
Looking at life with glass half full
Rosie colored glasses
The world is fantastic
Sol reflects on the entire journey, contemplating the substantial distance they’ve collectively traveled. In her introspective moments, a profound realization dawns upon her—despite the advanced technology of portals and wormholes, time remains unchanged. Sol understands that we can not alter the past, acknowledging it as an unchangeable force. She understands the actions taken in the present, reverberating into the future. Without intervention, we jeopardize what lies ahead. Sol becomes aware that every action carries weight—everything matters because everything is a matter. This realization underscores the interconnectedness of actions and their lasting impact on the fabric of existence.
Everything Matters
Sol Ruiz • Lyrics, melody, music, production
Michel Ferrer • Piano
Y me monto en mi cohete
And I ride my spaceship
Es un googleplex
It’s a googleplex
De mundos paralela
Of parallel universes
Si yo pudiera
If only I could
cambiar el tiempo
change time
Si no hubiera Albert Einstein
What if there was no Albert Einstein
no Columbus, Socrates,
No Columbus, Socrates,
no Confucius o Jesus
No confucius, or Jesus
Si yo cambiara el tiempo
If I could change time,
Con mi máquina del tiempo
with my time machine
Give me freedom
Give me my freedom
Give us freedom
Give me my freedom
Believe in yourself
Forget about the wealth
Y no te metes conmigo
Don’t study me
when all you think about yourself
When everything matters
Cuz everything is matters
And everything is everything
I’m telling my story
I’m telling his story,
I’m telling her story
Miama del ayer
The Miami of yesterday
El miami del presente
The Miami of the present
Venimos del futuro
We come from the future
Pero no tenemos apuro
But we are not in a hurry
Siento mi puro
I feel my father
cuando me fumo un puro
when I smoke a cigar
Y siento mis ancestros
And I feel my ancestors
Los siento muy dentro
I feel them deeply inside
And I gotta tell me story
this is my story
Miami 3050
Supernova in my veins
Milky Way in my DNA
Galaxies in my eyes
Limitless My spirit flies
AI cant take my place
Strong as a hurricane
Can’t upload me to the cloud
My consciousness lives forever
The future is now
They return to the year 3050, witnessing the projection of a new dawn for the future. The superheroes, through their collective efforts, have successfully altered the present, thereby securing a brighter future. Their actions have breathed light back into the world, restoring Miami and the entire globe to a state of positivity. Birds soar through the fresh air, people radiate happiness, and the vibrant colors of nature have been reinstated to their former glory. The planet, once at risk, has been saved. Having glimpsed the potential pitfalls of unchecked technology, people have embraced a return to the natural order, finding themselves once again in an Eden of light and prosperity.
Sol Ruiz • Lyrics, melody, music, production
Julio Cesar Gonzalez • Piano, music
Alejandro Sierra • Trumpet
Rey Rodriguez • Guitar
Fernando Perdomo • Guitar
Frandavid Fuentes • Percussio
Miami, Miami , Miami , Miami
Frutta Tropica
Miami, Miami , Miami , Miami
Tropical fruits
Quiero caramelo de mil sabores
I want candies of a thousand flavors
Candelone con tostones!
Oh my goodness!
Guanaba, Banana, Dulce de guayaba
Guanaba, Banana, Candied Guava
Guanaba, Banana, Dulce de guayaba
Guanaba, Banana, Candied Guava
Quiero caramelo
I want candy
Que me pone melo
That makes me melo
Me sube hasta cielo
It takes me up to heaven
Como yo lo quiero
Exactly how I like it
Si tiene dame otro
If you have one, give me another
Super Pegajoso
Super Sticky Icky
Dulce deliciozo
Delicious and sweet
No seco, Juegozo
Not dry, Juicy
pero, que bien se pasa, que
Hey how good it is, what a
buena vibra
good vibe
No me puedo quejar, que
I can’t complain hey what a
buena vida
good life
Americana y latina
American and latin
Que linda he la tierra mía
How beautiful my land is
The superheroes connect to their heartbeat, the rhythm that becomes the guiding force in their newfound identity. As they discover the light within, the light radiates becoming a beacon to illuminate the world. The light within, harnesses its power for both for themselves and the world.
In this newfound radiance, they see themselves as children, reconnecting with the purity and authenticity of their inner spirit. Sol rediscovers her spirit and unlocks the gateway to self-realization. In conclusion, the key to reaching a profound level of understanding lies in unlocking the inner child and embracing the light. It becomes evident that self-love and unity with one’s inner essence are essential enlightenment.
The path to self-discovery unfolds through a harmonious integration of love, inner essence, and the pulsating heartbeat—a universal rhythm that echoes the core of their transformation into a superheros. Through this lens, the narrative becomes a poetic dance, a lyrical journey of awakening, and a testament to the profound beauty found within the beats of the heart. The path to higher realization is found in coming from the heart, aligning with the heartbeat within, and embracing a harmonious oneness with oneself and the interconnection of the surrounding universe.
Come from the Heart
Sol Ruiz • Lyrics, melody, music, production
Rey Rodriguez • Lyrics, melody, guitar
People try to control me
Cookie cutter mold me
But I’m a gypsy you can’t own me
Can never duplicate or clone me
I’ve seen it all and I paid my dues
do what I want I break the rules
Been through the pain and sacrifice
Blood sweat and tears into
everything I do
Come from the moon
Come from the earth
reach for the stars
Everything I do everything I do I
Come from the heart
Guided by a gut feeling
I Won’t say it if I don’t mean it
In my mind got it repeating
Believe it if I want to see it
I Know what I want,
yo se lo que quiero
I want the world, El mundo entero
Be a rockstar, Hasta el dia
que me muero
Give it all I got porque
no tengo miedo
I know what I want,
te lo digo sin miedo
I want the world,
damelo entero
Infinita, porque nunca muero
De corazón porque esos es lo primero
Sol Ruiz • Lyrics, melody
Julio Cesar del Rio Perez • Producer
Julio Cesar Gonzalez • Synthesizer
To request materials in accessible format and accommodation to attend an event, please contact Eventz Paul at 305.576.4350 or email us, at least five days in advance to initiate your request.
Made with ♥ in Miami by Fulano
We are accessible and assistive listening devices are available. To request materials in accessible format and accommodation to attend an event, please contact Eventz Paul at 305.576.4350 or email us, at least five days in advance to initiate your request.
Eventz Paul is currently the Technical Director and Productions Manager at Miami Light Project. He has been a part of this organization since 2011. He participated in Miami Light Project’s first class of the Technical Fellowship Program held at The Light Box. He joined this program hoping to improve his existing theater skills. He received training from experts in the industry that mentored and further his theater technical skills. Now, he has successfully used his professional knowledge and has had the opportunity to work with various arts organizations and venues throughout Miami including Miami Theater Center, National Young Arts Foundation, the Colony Theatre and many more. He has become an instructor and conducts audiovisual classes to incoming technical fellows.
Beth Boone has been the Artistic & Executive Director of Miami Light Project since 1998, developing critically acclaimed artistic programs that have asserted the organization as one of the leading cultural institutions in South Florida. These programs include: the establishment of Here & Now, South Florida’s most respected commission and presenting program for community-based artists; premiere presentations of internationally acclaimed; pioneering historic international cultural exchange with Cuba; and the creation of The Light Box at Goldman Warehouse, a multi-use performance and visual art space in Miami’s Wynwood Arts District. She previously served as Associate Director of Development for Florida Grand Opera, Deputy Director for the Department of Cultural Affairs at Miami Dade Community College, Wolfson Campus, co-founded an Off Broadway theater company (New York Rep), and served for six years as a Program Associate in the Arts & Culture Program of the AT&T Foundation. She received a B.A. in Fine Arts from the College of Charleston in South Carolina, and a MFA in Theater Arts from Brandeis University in Boston, MA.